Knight’s Cookie Co. Process.



Creating this logo I wanted the audience to instantly know that it is a bakery or sweets store. Making this simple but also a logo people could remember. I wanted this also so be a local place that people in Nashville, TN could go to and order from, just like a community builder. Creating a circle to show it is in unity with the name and cookie co. section.

Screen Shot 2020-11-06 at 9.31.17 PM.png

Color Palette.

The color palette was something that had to be strong but light in a sense of the cookie industry. We decided to have a nice medium tone brown to keep things light and air, as well as the light teal. After that, myself, thought a contrasting color that does with the brown and teal was a cooler darker blue. This cooler blue compliments this middle tone brown when seen next to each other or used.


Mood board and Style board.